I love drawings of whales. They usually look different than an actual whale, so maybe I just like caricatures of whales. I went to tweet, and this graphic came up, to say that there were "too many tweets!" I'm glad there were too many tweets. I got to meet this whale. I also love drawing of birds. This warmed my heart. I am enjoying imagining what Twitter is trying to convey by netting this whale. They should know it's illegal. And those are some pretty strong birds. But doesn't this whale look so happy? With her great big smile. She can finally take a load off. The birds have it covered.

When we were visiting the Oregon coast last November, we stayed in Depoe Bay (very quiet coastal community, highly recommended!). There was a candy shop, the Depoe Bay Candy Shoppe, that we never ended up visiting, but a sign outside had a nice whale on it. I miraculously found a shoddy picture online (look closely at the sign!):
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