When I competed at the National Cheerleading Association nationals in 2003, I only finished 6th. This year, at the Universal Cheerleading Association nationals (NCA and UCA are the two big ones), Chip won! Mascoting might seem easy, but it's actually quite challenging and somewhat dangerous. Parents shove their 20 lb babies and children at you for a photo or 20 (I almost dropped a baby once); drunk college dudes tackle you and think that because you look like a buffalo, they can pummel you to the ground and start punching you in the gut (I have a scar on my face to prove it); equally as drunk college women think you're the most adorable oh my god! thing that ever existed (which would be awkward for all of us if they realized that I'm a 5'6" chick), and last but not least, I've never sweat or had a harder cardio workout in my entire life as I did with 50 lbs of polyester fur and hockey gear on. Have you ever run up and down football stadium bleachers? Try doing it while wearing the equivalent of a sub-zero Everest-climbing expedition suit, made out of synthetic buffalo fur, and in 90 degree heat. Or after a sweaty dude wears the suit. Regardless of all that, being Chip was how I spent my sophomore and junior years in college and I wouldn't have it any other way. I loved it, and it was incredibly fun. Ask me about the time a KU fan screamed "Chip's a Bitch!" or about the time I got run over by a Ralphie, the real life CU buffalo.
And now Chip is champion. I'm so proud! I thought I'd never live to see the day!! Chip won first place at the UCA Mascot National Championship in Orlando from a group of 22 mascots. Let me tell you - mascoting is serious business. Colorado's an awesome school, but there are some schools out there - Michigan, Auburn, Georgia, Georgia Tech - who are very competitive. They invest an equal if not greater amount of time, spirit and energy into their mascot programs and routines, and it's a huge accomplishment for Chip to win!
Here's Chip's application video, really well put together, than got us a spot to compete in Orlando. The video pretty much summarizes how much fun it was to be Chip! And read how Chip beat out 22 other competitors and won gold in the Daily Camera article:
No. 1 Buff: CU's Chip takes home national mascot championship!
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