Schivonne and I signed up for the Summer 2009 Cure Organic Farm Community Supported Agriculture. CSA. You pay up front for 20 weeks of fresh, seasonal, organic and varied vegetables and herbs (June - October). This investment not only pays for the food you get, but also helps them gather capital to support new development, innovation and farm maintenance. We got a large share, to split between our two families (feeds 4-5 people a week). We had to purchase our share this early in the year because Cure can only produce so much food on their 6 acres and needs to plan accordingly: CSAs for 150 families, their farm stand, selling at the Farmer's Markets, and produce supply for local restaurants like The Kitchen. I also believe they're one of the best in Boulder County. We're very lucky.
Here is the chart of vegetable varieties we'll get:
Vegetables | Fava Beans | Radish
| Herbs |
Registration for new members opened today, and I'm sure they'll sell out by the end of the week. This is a great way to get healthy food throughout the season for a reasonable price, and to support our local community and the sustainable food movement. I would highly recommend it! Here are some other organic farms that offer CSAs. I've had a great CSA from Abbondanza before (eatabbo.org):
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